Silo Cleaning: Did you know that CCS offers Silo/Bin Cleaning Services?

In the world of grain storage, maintaining the cleanliness of silos is crucial for the efficiency and safety of operations. Often, facilities encounter challenges such as out-of-condition grain or blockages that obstruct the flow. Traditional cleaning methods may fall short in these cases, prompting the need for specialized services. CCS not only installs shotcrete liners and sloped hoppers but also includes a comprehensive cleaning solution for silos!

The Challenge of Out-of-Condition Grain:

When CCS is contracted to install shotcrete liners or sloped hoppers, we frequently encounter silos with either a small amount of out-of-condition grain or large quantities of grain that refuse to flow. Rather than outsourcing to a third-party bin cleaning company, CCS leverages its expertise, tools, and equipment to handle grain removal efficiently within confined spaces.

Conquering Confined Spaces:

Working in confined spaces is CCS's line of work. While recognizing the potential hazards, our team undergoes extensive training and is equipped with advanced air monitoring systems to ensure a safe working environment throughout the cleaning process. This commitment to safety sets CCS apart in the industry.

Specialized Grain Removal Techniques:

Not all grain can be easily vacuumed with standard grain vacs, especially when it's out of condition. In such instances, CCS uses techniques like chipping out the grain and utilizing conveyors that we install. This approach ensures the effective removal of stubborn grain blockages.

Access Holes and Shotcrete Solutions:

For large grain removal projects, creating access holes becomes necessary. CCS has the expertise to remove concrete to create an access or entry hole and seamlessly replace it utilizing shotcrete/gunite equipment once the cleaning project is completed. This efficient process minimizes downtime and ensures the structural integrity of the silo.

Emphasis on Safety:

Safety is a top priority for CCS, which is evident in our commitment to fall protection. Whether working above standard requirements or with sloped hopper floors, our team uses fall protection equipment to guarantee worker safety. This dedication extends to proper positioning and personal protective equipment (PPE) to facilitate horizontal rescues if needed.

CCS's New Era of Silo Cleaning Services:

Recognizing the increasing demand for bin cleaning services, including those that may involve creating access holes, CCS is launching a committed cleaning service. This initiative features a fully staffed and equipped crew ready to tackle silo-cleaning projects of any scale.


As facility owners face the challenges of maintaining clean and efficient storage facilities, CCS emerges as a reliable partner, offering not only all types of concrete silo repairs but a complete cleaning solution. With a focus on safety, efficiency, and innovation, CCS is set to change the silo-cleaning industry, ensuring the longevity and productivity of grain storage facilities across the board.